This time old argument that has gone around the Oud community for some time now. Should I buy directly from a distiller or instead a vendor who sources Oud Oil from distillers and resells them. There are arguments for both sides of this, so at Oudbase we do both.


We have facilities in both Bangladesh and the Middle East which we use to distill our own pure Oud Oils and we also source and resell oils from the various and very talented distillers worldwide.


At Oudbase we feel what really matters is the quality of the Oud we provide. Whether we source the wood and distill it ourselves or if we source the oil directly from a distiller the result for the consumer is the same - the best 100% pure Oud oils and woods for your pleasure.


We have some very exciting Oud Oils coming up which we are itching to share with you guys, including a high grade Sri Lankan oil cooked with our own pots and by our own hands.


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